Recently I was talking with a friend while our girls played, she was telling me about a rash or bumps on her upper arms. She has been working on changing her diet for some time now and recognized that the bumps were disappearing.   I suspect a food intolerance or sensitivity.  But what is a food sensitivity? And how do you recognize you have one?

Food Sensitivity vs. Allergy

Only about 4% of the population has a true food allergy.  A food allergy is when your body has an abnormal response to food that is triggered by your immune system.  The response triggered is two-fold.  The production of IgE a protein that circulates in the body as well as a particular cell that occurs in the tissues, mostly in the skin, lungs, nose, gastrointestinal issues. When someone eats or comes in contact with an allergen, it triggers the production of IgE in large amounts and disrupts the tissue by attaching to it. Each time an exposure occurs, it then creates histamine producing the allergic symptoms and reaction.   An allergy can have a serious effect including death.  Allergies are usually inherited and can be in the form of hay fever, asthma or food.

Food Sensitivity or non-IgE is growing, and many Americans experience symptoms without even knowing it.  Some symptoms include; gas, bloating, rash, gastrointestinal issues, headache, fatigue, hives, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and ear drainage.   Symptoms can take up to 48 hours to show up, and you may not even make the connection between the symptoms and the food.

There are many causes of food sensitivity one leading cause is how your body breaks down and digests food.  The breakdown requires enzymes if you are deficient or lacking in these proteins your body can have a reaction, and you aren’t able to digest food properly.   Another reason is toxins and additives in our environment and our food. Your body can also have a histamine reaction from foods and over time develop a food intolerance.  Whatever the cause it is important to recognize and connect the dots.

I suffered myself for many years not knowing I had a food intolerance.  I would get welts on my arms; my eyes would be puffy and I some digestive issues.  Since recognizing my food triggers through an elimination diet, I have been able to resolve these problems altogether. If these problems go undiagnosed, they can lead to other health concerns, like leaky gut.

Most Common Food Intolerances

Gluten is a big trigger.  Gluten products aren’t grown and processed the same way as our ancestors see more on gluten Gluten Good or Evil and Gluten + Grain Free Living (simple tips for your family)Dairy, Shellfish, eggs, soy, and corn are also common food intolerances.

What can You do If you Suspect you have an intolerance?

One way is testing from your physician. Another way is through an elimination diet. The elimination diet is a food plan where you eliminate the most common food triggers for the course of 21-30 days. Working with a health coach can help you implement the elimination food plan and customize a program for you and your specific needs.   If you suffer from any of these symptoms your body could be telling you something. If you’d like more information on health and wellness coaching I’d love to hear from you.

Health and Joy!

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