I start my morning off with this refreshing lemon water.
Start with good filtered water it should be lukewarm. I use a 8 oz mug, add four ozs cool water and four ozs hot water. Always use fresh organic lemons, squeeze 1/2 a lemon into a glass with your water. I drink it down first thing upon waking. Yes, I do enjoy a morning cup of coffee, but I always drink my lemon water before my addiction. The days I do this I notice a difference in the amount of coffee I drink and my natural energy level.
For a variation some mornings I add freshly grated ginger
Health Benefits
- Aids in Digestion
- Boosts Immune system
- Cleanses system & provides glowing skin
Lemons are a powerful antioxidant that has equally powerful nutrients, vitamin-C, B-complex, calcium, iron, magnisim, potassium & fiber. When you drink lemon water on an empty stomach, (regularly), There is a slowing of absorption of food, allowing the body time to break down the food and gain more nutrients. From the high level of antioxidants in lemons, it protects the body from free radicals strengthing your immune system. The toxins our body builds up over time are flushed out allowing better enzyme function.
Try starting your day with some refreshing lemon water for 30 days and see if you notice a difference.