Turmeric is one of the most potent herbs available. In 2016 there was over a 50% increase in Google searches related to turmeric and its uses. Our recent obsession over this vibrant yellow substance is due to all the newly(at least in the USA) revealed health benefits of turmeric.  Turmeric is made up of a compound that research is proving has medicinal properties.  These compounds are called curcuminoids.  One of the healing compounds is curcumin. Curcumin is what gives curry its bright yellow color.  Join me as we dive into learning 5 health benefits of turmeric.


5 Health Benefits of Turmeric

  • Fights Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Heart Health
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory


1. Curcumin has been shown to fight Depression as well as Prozac. Yes, you did hear me.  Recent studies are showing that a group of patients that took Prozac and a group that took curcumin on a regular basis had equal outcomes.  As with all medication drugs, there are side effects.  This study found no side effects for the group who took the curcumin.  This study was used on patients with mild to Moderate anxiety and depression.



2. Arthritis sufferers or those suffering from inflammation of the joints found great and equal relief to anti-inflammatory medications and arthritis medications.  The study revealed that the curcumin group had significant improvement and changes then the medicated group.  Again without the side effects that come from drugs.



3. Heart Health Turmeric is used to fight the build-up of plaque in the arteries. Reducing the accumulation of plague assisting in minimizing the risk of stroke and heart attack.  It also reduces the blood platelets that cause clots and relaxes the muscles.


4.  Antioxidants-Oxidative stress is linked to aging, cancers, inflammation and disease. The University of Berkeley describes Free Radicals.

To generate energy, our cells remove electrons from sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids and add them to other molecules, especially oxygen. This process, called oxidation, creates highly reactive, unstable particles known as free radicals, which combine quickly with other compounds.

In order to fight free radicals it takes antioxidants to to help deactivate the free radicals. Turmeric is a potent antioxidant that neuralizes these free radicals.  Curcuim also boots our bodies ability to produce more antioxidant enzymes.


5. Anti-inflammatory – Inflammation in the body is one of the biggest problems facing our medical industry.  Inflammation is linked to cancers, disease, heart disease, illnesses, and even Alzheimers.  Limiting the inflammation in our body is key to fighting off diseases.  Curcumin is one of the most potent ways to fight inflammation and protect your body. Curcumin has been shown to be as powerful as many over the counter anti-inflammatory medications.


Forms of Turmeric


Curcumin isn’t easily absorbed by the body.  One way to improve absorption is with the help of pepper.  Or if you take the supplement form find one that has piperine or Bioperine this assists in the absorption.

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