Creamy Fig On Toasted Tortilla(dairy free-gluten free)
This recipe is perfect for a snack, lunch or even take it as an appetizer to your next party. I find myself using this as a quick lunch. The possibilities are endless.
Ingredients Serves 2
- Start with the Dairy Free Herb Dip
- 4 small or 2 large figs sliced
- Siete Cassava & Coconut Flour Tortillas, Paleo Approved
- Honey
- Arugula 2 handfuls
- Salt/pepper
Take two tortillas and place in toaster oven or broiler. Toast until lightly brown and crispy. To assemble with the tortilla as a base place 2 Tbsp dairy free dip in the center, next layer a handful of arugula, sliced figs, drizzle honey season with salt and pepper.
Variation: you can use crackers, large sliced cucumbers as a base, Bread(gluten free or regular)
Live Well, Be Well
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