Cooking Made Easy
Want healthy delicious meals that are easy, healthy and affordable?
I Meal Plan and Create a Shopping List, you Cook
Step By Step Recipes to take the stress and worry out of cooking!
Introducing my newest program that will make your struggle with meal planning easy.
Weekday Meals made easy + affordable + healthy
As a busy mom and wife, planning meals that are both healthy and delicious can sometimes become challenging. When meal plan delivery first came out I was excited and researched all the different plans. Now don’t get me wrong having all the ingredients delivered right to your front door sounds great. However suffering from an autoimmune disorder most of those plans wouldn’t work for me and my family. I wish they would but I need more specific foods in my personal diet. That’s why I started this NEW PROGRAM!
As a subscriber, you have the option to chose from a list of specific meal plan options.
autoimmune plan
low fodmap
healthy clean eating
gluten-free paleo plan
How it works
Each month you chose a plan.
Chose four meals a week. You decide: breakfast, lunch or dinner, or mix and match.
You will receive recipes, shopping list, and tips.
This program will help you prepare healthy clean meals making meals together happier and less stressful! Each month I will share a specific focus on one area of health and wellness, exercise tip, and a bonus recipe my families new favorite recipe!
This plan is month to month no contracts. You can cancel at any time, but I am positive you will love the freedom it provides, a happy calm home because you will experience less stress with much of the hard work done for you. Recreating meals and family time centered around healthy, affordable easy meals.
Plan price is $19.99 a month thats $1.24 a meal thats less than $5 a week!
If you sign up for six months you will recieve a 20% discount!
Wendy Purviance, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Yoga Instructor 200RYT
Are you struggling to lose weight? Dealing with an autoimmune disease? Or trying to eat healthy in this busy world? I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, 200 RYT, Certified Therapeutic Yoga Instructor and essential oil teacher.
Over the last 20 years, I have dedicated my energy to research and education in health, exercise and how to reach optimal wellness. I have created custom programs for individuals for weight reduction, lifestyle change and how to receive balance through meditation and yoga. I consider myself an amateur chef that creates recipes for busy lives that center around taste, and phytonutrients. I have been writing and speaking to individuals, groups and blogging about integrating essential oils, reducing the toxic load creating a nontoxic home including beauty products, household products as well as detoxing your body. My passion and goals are to assist others in cultivating a lifestyle of freedom and health. As a nutrition & whole living teacher, my hope is to share my love of cooking, health, yoga and natural living tips that can transform even the busiest lives. Optimal Health is achievable.
Live WEll, Be Well
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