Those tasty smiley little goldfish crackers that crunch in your mouth, you know the ones your kids love the crunch and parents love for the convenience.  But, do you know what’s hidden in your kid’s snacks?

True, we live in a busy fast paced life.  Our fast-paced life leaves little time for cooking and meal planning.  However, food is fuel to our body and the habits we teach our children are the foundation for not only food but for their long-term health.  Think of your child as a flower you are watching grow.  When you give a flower water, food, sunlight, keep it weed free it grows, and is nourished.  Our kids are susceptible to the same.  You’ve heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? how about you are what you don’t eat.

Almost every day I am asked what kinds of snacks do I give my daughter from fellow moms like:

  • What are healthy snacks
  • What are quick easy on the go snacks
  • What if my child only wants unhealthy snacks

As a mom of a two 1/2-year-old, we have a busy schedule.  Playdates, zoo trips, all sorts of outings.  I’m sure most moms can relate that as soon as you finish one meal and clean up someone is asking for a snack.  Time and options seem to be slim.  I am always looking for something new and healthy.  That will satisfy a toddler and me, a concerned mom.

What’s in those Goldfish Crackers?

Open your pantry, what snacks do you see?  I bet if I knocked on your door I’d find a box of those little yellow fish.  Those smiley little fish are processed with over 48 ingredients.  First and most concerning is GMO(genetically modified organisms), which by definition is an organism whose original genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering.  It changes the DNA.  Many studies now have shown a link of GMO’s to be toxic.   In addition to GMO’s many of these crackers or processed foods have artificial flavors, which are known to cause a long list of health problems and diseases.  Some including headaches, depression, anxiety, allergies more serious concerns like cancers and seizers. One more common ingredient in processed snacks is wheat gluten.  This can be hard for little ones to digest and there is growing link between gluten and food allergies. With many of the same side effects. An added concern is milk products.  Milk allergies are the most common allergy among children.  Also, most of these dairy products are made with cows that have added hormones.  That’s just the list of the top concerns.

Now before I give you my list of healthy options.  I know I’ll be speaking to tow groups of moms.  The first group like me where your children have never known anything different than healthy snacks.  Maybe you want new ideas, or you are learning more and moving towards healthy choices.  The other group has different challenges to changed the habits of your children.

Let me first address what I call the “Green Giant” healthy snacks.  I tend to make most of our snacks.  But let’s be serious there are times when this is not possible and we need to have good healthy options.

My Favorite Snacks

These are all easy to have on hand snacks

As I stated earlier you will be in two camps.  Let me now address the other group of moms who either have older kids who already know the taste and addiction that processed snacks have, or you’ve been working towards learning and changing your families foods.  You have a bigger challenge.  Habits are hard to break, and the food industry has hidden ingredients in our food to addict us and changed our chemical response, so we have cravings for food.

Clean out your pantry.  Throw out all the foods you know are not healthy.  Replace with healthy choices were discussed.  Yes, your kids will cry.  They will whine wanting those “other snacks.”  But don’t give in, just put don’t have any other choices.  I’ve tried this with my toddler.  I try to limit the gluten in her diet and when she requests something like the cheese crackers I simply say” I don’t have any.”  These are your choices.  I always give multiple options.  Kids feel empowered and independent if you provide them with a choice.

We can’t let our fast paced world and life effect the health of our children. With a little planning and changing our course we can create healthy kids for a lifetime.


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