Leg Cramps
Leg cramps are painful and annoying. Cramps are caused by muscle spasms, involuntary contractions of muscles. We’ve witnessed football players or other sports athletics taken out of the game for leg cramps. What causes leg cramps? What can we do if we experience a cramp? And how can they be prevented?
Causes of Leg Cramps
- Dehydration-if you are an athlete or your kids play sports your body may have difficulty staying hydrated. Our body is made up of 75% water mostly in our cells. When it’s hot and we sweat we lose more water. Just breathing reduces our fluids. Some foods or drinks we consume also deplete water in our body. Every cup of coffee or caffeinated drink, we lose 8 ozs of water. Which means if you are trying to drink 8 glasses a day you will need to increase that by each caffeine drink.
- Medications- Some medications like blood pressure, birth control or steroid can cause cramping by depleting minerals.
- Food Deficiencies-Diets low in calcium, potassium or magnesium.
- Exercising, injury, overuse or not stretching.
- Circulation or inadequate blood supply
- Nerve compression in the spine
What to do if you experience an onset
- Hydrate- instead of Gatorade(which is loaded with sugar and dyes) try this natural drink.
- Ice pack
- Stretching
- warm shower or bath. Add some Epsom salts to relax the muscles.
- essential oils
- Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate- We underestimate the amount of water our body needs and the job it does. Our body needs water to function. Think about a sponge. A sponge has hundreds of little pores. When water hits get in those pores, it expands and is easy to use. When it starts to dry out, not quite as saturated as it is meant to be the sponge is rough and dry. Our cells are intended to be full of water. It makes our organs, and body run as it is meant too.
- Eating Real Fruits and Vegetables. Foods high in potassium, calcium or magnesium. Try eating foods that are colorful. These, in particular, are high in vitamin and minerals. Our diets are fueling our body, organs, and cells. American foods now are processed and full of toxins.
- Taking calcium or magnesium supplements. This is one I like Pure Encapsulations – Magnesium Powder
Natural Electrolyte Drink
- 2 cups Water
- 1/4 cup fresh organic orange, lemon or lime
- 5 cups coconut water
- 4 Tbsp raw honey(optional)
- 1/2 tsp sea salt( not regular table salt)
- optional magnesium powder Pure Encapsulations – Electrolyte
Add all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Store in a glass jar Ball Mason Jar