Autoimmune disorders reduce the efficacy of the immune system and may cause the body to damage its own tissues. They decrease the body’s ability to fight viruses and bacteria that enter into it. Those antibodies that supposed to fight the infections attacked the tissues instead.

A ketogenic promotes low-carbohydrate intake and can be effective in preventing autoimmune disorders. However, some carbohydrates are needed in a balanced diet to keep our immune systems active.

Can The Ketogenic Diet Help With Autoimmune 

Carbs are divided into two categories. Simple carbs are those that have little to no nutritional value. They are refined sugars that increase the blood sugar level in your body. When this happens, you are more likely to feel cravings again. A reduction in simple carbs is also critical in losing weight. Simple carbs include:

  • Bread
  • Biscuits
  • Pasta
  • Cake
  • White sugar
  • Flour

On the other hand, some carbs can be beneficial. These are complex carbs. They have higher nutritional value and contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It also takes your body longer to digest these foods, preventing a spike in blood sugar levels and making you feel fuller. Complex carbs give you enough energy to keep going. Complex carbs include:

  • Brown rice
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Lentils
  • Spinach

Nearly 60% of the energy you need comes from carbohydrates. If you are going to follow a ketogenic regime, which promotes a low-carb diet, your body will still need the right nutrients to fuel you with energy and keep your immune system healthy. For this reason, a ketogenic diet promotes a balanced meal so you can compensate for the energy normally provided by carbohydrates.

To keep your immune system function properly, increase your consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fats as well as vitamins and minerals; fruits and vegetables are great sources for this.

You can follow the ketogenic diet and keep your immune system active at the same time. You just need to make sure you include the following foods in your meals:

  • Foods rich in healthy fats such as seeds, olives, avocados, and nuts
  • Fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon, and tuna
  • Raw oils such as coconut oil and olive oil
  • Green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach

The nutrients from these foods help eliminate gut irritants that cause intestinal inflammation. A ketogenic diet can also prevent the growth of bad bacteria and increase the body’s immunity to harmful pathogens. The high consumption of healthy fats also promotes the proper function of the immune system. Increasing plenty of fat, like medium chain triglycerides the coconut oil, raises the element called HDL. It is a beneficial class of cholesterol that contributes to the proper function of the immune system. It also increases the body’s resistance to pathogens and other types of infections.

Our immune system is one of the most important systems in the body. Following the right ketogenic diet and eliminating the harmful foods helps keep the immune system functioning at peak performance.

If you would like to learn more about my Fit2LiveKeto Program, just click here.

Yours in health and wellness,







wellness coachingA little bit about me:

Busy women hire me to get rid of bloating and up their energy without depriving themselves of delicious food. As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Whole Living Expert, I do this by getting to the root cause of their sickness so that they can finally say goodbye to excess weight and enjoy endless energy to reignite their zest for life.

As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, I know one size doesn’t fit all. We will work together collaborating and identifying your health goals.  The art of the coach-client relationship is to come alongside the client, listening, empowering and putting together a plan that works for you. A realistic plan that can be implemented for lasting change.  We will look at a whole body, a Mind-body approach using whole foods, positive psychology, the psychology of eating, stress its impact on the body working towards changes in lifestyle for optimal health and lasting lifelong wellness!

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