Simple Tips To Staying Healthy Durning The Holidays

The Holiday season is upon us.  I can hardly believe 2016 is coming to a close very soon and Christmas is around the corner.  From November on we run on adrenaline.  We spend endless hours decorating, cooking, shopping, making do it yourself crafts and gifts, hosting and attending parties making the season memorable for our family and friends.  This is also the time of the year our immune system drops and we are more susceptible to getting sick.  Here are simple tips to staying healthy during the holidays.  

    • Get 7-9 hours of sleep a night.  Getting enough rest is essential to allow our bodies the time necessary to produce protein molecules that strengthen and boost our immune system, helping to fight off infections.  While we sleep, our body is mending on a cellular level.  In addition to immune boosting it reduces stress, balances our blood sugars, helps elevate our mood aids in reducing heart disease and diabetes and body weight.
    • Drink enough water.  It’s easier during the summer months to drink water.  But when the seasons’ change it is not as easy.  We must think about drinking water to keep our body hydrated.  Start off by drinking a warm cup of water upon waking. Here is Simple water goal Calculator +spice it up, making your water more enjoyable.
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables steering clear of sugar temptations. Everywhere we turn there seems to be a box of chocolates, cookies or pies.  Of course, it is okay to enjoy the seasonal treats but fill up on the fruit or vegetables before attending a party, and you’ll be less tempted to overindulge. Sugar suppresses your immune system and reduces our bodies ability to fight off infections. See more at Sugar Good Or Bad?
    • Supplements to help support immune function.  You can discuss this with your healthcare provider.  Some of the ones I take regularly include enough Vit C, Vit B, Vit D, and  Wellness Elderberry Liquid Extract.  Additional information on natural remedies Natural Healing Remedies.
    • Wash your hands regularly.  Sounds simple but a daily task that we tend to forget.  Don’t use antibacterial sprays or wipes.  The FDA has recently changed the recommendations on these products. Good old fashioned soap and water works great.  Here is a simple recipe for a natural hand sanitizer.


Natural Hand Sanitizer

    •  2 oz Glass Bottles, 
    • 1 Tbsp vodka
    • 1/4 tsp Vit E oil(natural preservative)
    • 10 drops lavender oil or(peppermint, sandalwood, rosemary
    • 30 drops Melaleuca

Mix all ingredients in spray bottle and shake. You can purchase essential oils here 


  • Limit alcohol intake.  Have a drink but don’t over do it.  Alcohol lowers the immune system and robs your bodies  nutrients and limits our bodies ability to produce white blood cells.
  • Keep your gut healthy sipping on Bone Broth.  Bone broth is full of healthy benefits supporting immune function and keeping the gut healthy.


Happy Holidays!



Simple ways to eliminate Sugar

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