Essential Oils Essential Oils have been around for thousands of years, dating back to 35oo B.C. at that time they didn’t have the products, antibiotics or miracle creams like we have. They relied on these powerful, potent oils to aid in beauty, healing...
Watermelon, Avocado, and tomatoes in a salad, I love summer! We live in the center of California with some of the best summer fruit your palate will taste. There are farmers markets in abundance around town, and where there isn’t a farmers market, you will find...
Sugar Good Or Bad? In recent years low-fat diets took center stage. Nowadays we find sugar at the top of the list causing us to ask, is sugar good or bad? With Cancer, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune and many another disease on the rise, researchers are finding direct...
Bruschetta Casserole Tomatoes are at the peak of the season. I usually have a garden overflowing with the sweetest, colorful tomatoes. Unfortunately, I was unable to plant one this year, so we’ve missed out. But farmers markets are plentiful with heirloom,...
Bug Repellents+Homemade Spray As the weather is still warm, and summer winds down, we have a few weekends left to be outdoors with our families. Concerns about Zika, West Nile virus, and even tick-bites, causing Lyme disease are a concern. What Bug Repellents are...