You are one meal plan away from a healthy life. 

Benefits of Meal Planning



When looking to reconstruct your eating habits the first place to start is with meal planning. Meal planning is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.  But Where do you start?


Eating Real Food

If you have a desire to transform your eating for lasting change real food is the basic foundation for the transformation.  Eating real food can be challenging and requires some planning.  Of course its easier to just grab something already cooked on our way home.  We’ve all been there we are hungry, tired and we gravitate towards ease and sometimes comfort.

But we are a society of people that are sick with an increase in disease, and illnesses.  We have more people than ever with cancers, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, heart conditions, leaky gut, along with addictions to sugar and carbs. We get stuck and feel like we don’t know where to start. What and how do we change our eating?  Maybe we want to lose weight, or we want to eat clean, maybe we eat clean already but we are tired of trying to plan a menu and are simply out of ideas.



How many of you are stressed when dinner time rolls around and you realize you didn’t plan anything. You stare at the open cupboards or stand in the cold refrigerator only to have a blank feeling of  “what am I going to cook for dinner”?  I know I have.  But, a huge way to reduce stress in our life is by planning, having a menu and shopping list. Even containers in our freezer already prepped with leftovers from previous weeks. That makes me happy!  Reduced stress…. well at least for meal planning.



Once you’ve started meal planning you can start to double your recipes and create meals for containers to freeze for later. It’s a simple step that creates freedom and ease for later meals.  I like to use this for the times when I know we have added busy activities in our week.


New Foods in your repertoire


When you use meal planning you have new foods that are integrated into your meals you might not have thought about.  Taking you out of your rut and trying to expand your families variety.  Instead of being stuck on broccoli every day, you might add Brussel sprouts.  Planning adding more rainbow foods.  You can view your food in a week glance creating a food rainbow of healthy nutrient dense food. That fuels and heals our body!


21-Day Energy Boosting Reboot Take Back Your Health


I created this plan because my passion is to educate, inspire and simplify healthy, clean eating for more energy, longterm weight loss naturally and work towards overall healthy life.  All The planning is done for you.  Each week you will receive a menu, Recipes, Shopping list and cooking tips. All done for you!  Three meals with two snacks. All you need to do is do the shopping. All meals are gluten-free, dairy-free, simple and delicious!



21-Day Energy- Boosting Reset Take Back Your Health


Cost Savings


Menu planning saves money.  When we live in the world of grab and go or last-minute lucy planning we spend more. We spend more for many reasons, picking food up is much more expensive.  Also, when we shop without a menu or planning we just grab things that look good and we might use although, we haven’t given much thought to how.  We end up tossing food and wasting it.  But when we actually take time to plan and shop we cut back on this wasteful habit.  We can plan leftovers for lunch or freeze.


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