Have you ever heard of putting butter in your coffee? I have to admit it really didn’t sound appealing to me. Now don’t get me wrong I am a fan of butter however, I remember all the bad publicity about butter and how we should stay away from it. There was a craze of margarine then it was alternative to butter. Well, things have come back full circle and now studies are showing Grass Fed Butter to have wonderful benefits. Grass Fed butter is high in omegas and antioxidants. Brain food! Now when you add the butter to your coffee you have energy, brain food. You might be wondering why switch from cream to butter? First, casein is found in milk and we are finding many reasons to eliminate casein. Casein is found to bind to catchins reducing the antioxidants you get from coffee. Another reason to eliminate casein is this type of protein is found to be of high sensitivity in many people.You may have a sensitivity and not know it. Adding Butter to your coffee adds the creaminess of cream with adding good healthy fats to your diet. Adding butter slows down the rate you absorb the caffeine and keeps your energy more level and keeps you feeling fuller longer. Some research shows adding this combination assists in weight loss.
Here is a simple recipe for bulletproof coffee.
Bullet Proof Coffee (meal in itself)
First, you want to start with good high-quality organic coffee. Here is the original bulletproof:
Bulletproof The Original Ground Coffee
- Brewing coffee
- in a blender add 2 Tablespoons of Grass-Fed Butter Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter – Unsalted This happens to be my ultimate favorite butter.(Truly a difference, if you haven’t, tried it yet).
- a one-two tsp up to tablespoons of Bulletproof XCT oil I suggest you start out slow, working your way up.
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until frothy! Enjoy!
If it’s your first timing trying bulletproof I’d love to hear how you liked it!
Live Well, Be Well!
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