Stress is remarkably damaging to our mental and physical health. Even though we know how serious it is, most of us can’t seem to find an effective way to get rid of it (or at least reduce it). Here are six all-natural, healthy, and highly effective ways to reduce...
Essential Oils + My Top Uses Essential oils are aromatic compounds that are extracted from the flowers, seeds, roots, or leaves of various plants. Each essential oil has its unique smell, properties, and qualities; these oils are generally either diffused into the...
Springtime is my favorite time of the year. The cold days start to warm up, the trees fill out with fresh green leaves, flowers bloom and the days are a little longer filled with the sunshine. As we spend more time outdoors with the blooming flowers and trees...
Every year between six- twelve million children contract lice, this is a staggering number. The removal of head lice is a long, painful one for not only the child but the parent who is removing the lice. The symptoms are obvious, itching scalp, neck and ear area....
DIY Dry Shampoo Do you ever have one of those mornings or maybe like me, many mornings in a row that no matter how organized you try to be washing your hair just isn’t in the plan? Those mornings my hair usually goes into a ponytail or a small bun. I am forever...
Essential Oils Essential Oils have been around for thousands of years, dating back to 35oo B.C. at that time they didn’t have the products, antibiotics or miracle creams like we have. They relied on these powerful, potent oils to aid in beauty, healing...