Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

What is intermittent fasting?      You might have heard about intermittent fasting lately.  A lot of research has been circulating around the different types of fasting for brain health, heart health, and even weight loss.  But what is intermittent fasting...

Why Diets Don’t Work

What if we’re mindful at mealtime, would it affect how much we eat and our weight?   Why don’t diets work for lifelong weight loss? As American’s we’ve all been on a diet at one point in our life.  Anywhere from weeks to months or maybe a...
Stress Our Health & 7 Ways To Manage It

Stress Our Health & 7 Ways To Manage It

Heart racing, lightheaded, dizzy, food cravings, tired or sick all the time? These are just a few of the effects stress has in our life and on our body.  Not all stress is bad.  Stress can help propel us, motivate us even strengthen our resolve.  Or sometimes provide...
Benefits of A Detox

Benefits of A Detox

If you are feeling lethargic or just not up to par, and are struggling with other problems such as acne, chronic pain, heartburn and other digestive issues, it may be time to try a body detox. Even if you’re simply overweight and/or addicted to eating the wrong types...

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