The changes of the season bring cooler weather, yellow, red and orange leaves. Smells of pumpkin, squash, cinnamon a crackling fire and me all curled up in a warm blanket sipping on this yummy chai tea latte.
This recipe is simple and will save you a bundle by skipping the line at Starbucks.
2 Star Anise
1 Cup Almond or Coconut Milk
1 tsp of honey(optional)
*Optional 4 tea bags to pot
*Variation: prior to adding the spices in the pot, try putting the spices in a saute pan and roasting them for 10-15 minutes until aromatic and toasted. Then add to the pot and proceed with instructions.
Combine all ingredients together in a large pot except the milk. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Let simmer for 15 minutes and strain. Remove from heat add ingredients along with milk into a blender. Blend until frothy!
I’d love to hear from you? Share your favorite recipes with me.
Live Well, Be Well!
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