What is dry brushing?  You might have heard about dry brushing and thought to your self what the heck is dry brushing? Well, it is a technique that is swirling around in the health and wellness world as well as upper-end spas.  Dry brushing has many health benefits, is simple and takes less than 5 mins.

Here are my top 4 Reasons:

(why dry brushing every day will change your skin +Aid to Better Health)

1. Lymphatic Health-First and foremost benefits are helping the lymphatic system. The body is made up of many lymph nodes and organs.  Your Lymph system aids in transporting waste removing toxins from the body. Boosting your immune system as you sluff away dead, toxic cells. Dry brushing is used in many detox programs. 

2. Dead Cell Removable(exfoliation)- one of my favorites. When you try dry brushing for the first time you will love how your skin feels.  As you roll the brush over your body and skin you are removing dead skin cells.  Especially during the winter months when we move less, are indoors more and have drier skin.

3. Natural Energy Boost- Yep you heard me the soft course brush moves over your skin helping with circulation thus giving you better circulation and more energy. (no real research to support this, but, many people who use dry brushing suggest feeling these benefits).

4. Reduces Cellulite-There is some research to support that dry brushing while breaking down the skin cells and removing toxins it smooths the skin.  Cellulite is the accumulation of fat cells and a build-up of toxins that are trapped. Dry brushing assists with toxin release.

Now that you know the benefits you might be asking how on earth do you dry brush? Well, its easy……..

How to:

1. Do this on dry skin prior to turning on the water.

2. Choose a brush.  You can choose a long handle brush(which is what I have) or you can choose a smaller hand-held. Make sure you choose a good quality natural bush.

3. Get into the shower and prior to turning the water on start at your feet in long upward motions moving towards your heart.

4. Make sure to move several times over an area to remove all the dead skin.

5. Once you get to the tummy, arms and chest move in smaller motions and be gentle.  You don’t want to break the skin.

6. Once you have finished your entire body turn the water on rinsing off dead skin and shower like normal.  I like to top my skin with some coconut oil massaging into the skin in small circular motions covering the entire body.

You won’t believe how soft, and luxurious your skin will feel!!

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