Gluten + Grain Free Living-Several Years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, being in the field of health and wellness I knew the path for me would include looking at my diet in hopes of healing and reversing my autoimmune disease. After many hours my research lead me to conclude going gluten and grain free would be essential. I uncovered information about gluten (you can read more here) Gluten Good or EvilI didn’t know, and as a new mom, I wanted to start my daughter off with good eating habits and hopefully support a healthy immune system for her and our family.
Gluten is hidden in more foods than you think therefore it is challenging to uncover and decipherer our pantry. Buying all GLUTEN FREE products isn’t the answer. Yes, it is easier than ever to go gluten-free, and the food industry has jumped on the bandwagon transitioning into a gluten-free almost everything. But beware you might be trading gluten free for more sugar and other processed ingredients.
Here are some tips for living a gluten + grain free life.
1. Focus on whole foods eating. It’s an excellent time to implement more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Think of eating the rainbow daily. As an American population, we don’t eat nearly enough servings of fruit and vegetables. Our diets are of the old food pyramid with grains at the top. Most of our diet should be plant-based, which of course is naturally gluten-free!
2. Trade processed snacks for seeds and nuts. Be creative, make your trail mix, add some dried cranberries, goji berries or currants, sunflower, pepita seeds, or pumpkin into the mix. For a little sweetness add some Organic Raw Cacao Nibs these are high in antioxidants and add just enough sweetness.
3. When eating look for gluten-free options, most restaurants have options listed if they don’t just ask. Kids will always be drawn to the mac & cheese, pizza, burger or chicken fingers. Ask if you can get the burger plain without a bun, or wrapped in lettuce. Have the chicken fingers unbattered; the pizza look for a gluten-free crust. Most restaurants will make accommodations for you and your dietary needs.
4. Make your pantry a safe place. Pack it full of easy to use foods for meals as well as snacks?
This is where you might want to have some gluten-free options like Mary’s Gone Crackers Everything Pretzels 7.5 ounces or dried fruit Made in Nature 100% Organic Usda Dried & Unsulfured Mangos so many choices of dried fruit. Look for Jackson’s Honest Sweet Potato Chips, Cooked in Coconut Oil if you want a little crunch. These are a healthier version of chips, cooked in coconut oil. You might include a gluten-free bread or cereal. It’s easy to make your own if you own a bread maker. Remember gluten-free products are not without calories, carbs or even processing. These options should not be part of a daily diet. Another great option is The New Primal Snack Mates – 100% Grass-Fed Beef Sticks for Kids, Pack of 4
is a great snack for kids or adults. They come in a variety of sizes and flavors. Epic All Natural Meat Bar, 100% Natural, Beef,
Are another great option with size and flavor variety. A great snack to stash in your purse for when hunger calls and you are running on empty. Have you tried Organic Gemini TigerNuts?
Paleo, gluten-free food. You can add them to a yogurt, a snack, trail mix or just snack on them.
5. Keep family favorites on the menu just change them up. We still enjoy pancakes Gluten + Grain Free Pancakes on the weekends. You can use gluten-free flour or nut flour as your base. Make muffins or bread. Siete Cassava & Coconut Flour Tortillas these tortillas are a staple in our home, my daughter will eat them plain they are so good.
6. Stock up and have backups. Keep items on hand in case your week gets crazy and meal planning was a challenge. Double your food and store in containers freezer ready. Make some treats like muffins or bread with cassava and coconut flour. Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins (sweet+tasty)
Join my meal planning group. You will receive menus, recipes, shopping list and tips every month to help inspire you and transform your eating.
7. Read labels and look for hidden gluten in salad dressings, soy sauces, packaged meats, cheeses, seasonings, & oats.
Gluten-free living is easier than you think.
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Live Well, Be Well
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