Most of us hear of a deficiency and we immediately look to grab a supplement or a magic pill to help. But, eating a well-balanced diet and looking to food to nourish and supply our body with all it needs should be our first go to!

Magnesium Rich Foods

While you may not notice any symptoms of being magnesium-deficient, there are real consequences to not getting enough of this vital mineral. A
magnesium deficiency is quite common, and luckily, very easy to remedy.
Before we get into what foods can up your magnesium levels, let’s talk about why magnesium is vital to your health. Magnesium is a foundational part of the way your hormones communicate back and forth with each other, helping to regulate important body systems. Lacking this critical mineral can throw your whole body out of whack, so let’s dive into the yummy foods that deliver it to you.

Dark chocolate

Yes, chocolate! Dark chocolate that is — make sure it’s organic dark
chocolate though, which has 64mg per ounce of magnesium plus a slew of antioxidants. Choosing high-quality dark chocolate is important.


Avocados are one of the more nutritious foods you can eat. You get 15% of
your recommended daily value of magnesium from avocados plus loads of potassium, vitamin K, and a bunch of B vitamins. As if you needed an excuse to eat more guacamole or have avocado toast for breakfast.


An easy snack time option during your busy day is nuts, and they pack a
punch with their magnesium levels. While all nuts are a good option, for the most magnesium, you’ll want to munch on Brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds.


This plant group is packed with powerful nutrients that give you plenty of fiber and magnesium. Choose beans, chickpeas, peas, or lentils, and you’re on your way to better health. Plus, if you’re vegetarian or looking to go meatless even for just a meal or two, legumes will make you feel full and satiated.


Bananas are one of my favorite fruits — they’re so easy to tote around with you on the go, they’re inexpensive and keep all week long. They’re an excellent option for many reasons. You probably know they’re full of potassium, but did you know they also have plenty of magnesium too? In
fact, if you start your day with a large banana, you’ll get 37mg of magnesium right off the bat.

Leafy greens

Fill your plate with more salad or cook up some spinach, kale, turnip greens, or collard greens. These leafy veggies are so full of magnesium; all you need is just a little bit to hit your health goals. A cooked cup of spinach gives you 39% of your recommended daily intake of magnesium.
On top of getting your magnesium from foods, you can also benefit from a
magnesium supplement. My favorite to use is called Natural Calm and can be found at most stores, or easily ordered from Amazon. It’s a powdered supplement that you mix into a small cup of water, and it actually tastes quite delicious. Many people use this before bed as it gives them a great night of sleep, and also keeps your digestive system moving regularly.

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