Natural Healing Remedies
Recently I was sick. There’s nothing fun about being sick, especially when you have a toddler that keeps you running. The usual remedy of going back to bed and resting wasn’t an option. Somehow as parents we manage to get through our day regardless of how we feel and heal our body from whatever ails us. But, wouldn’t it be great to shorten our cold, allowing us to get back to LIFE. When we get a cold or flu, it is typically a virus and medications only mask or treat symptoms but don’t strengthen our body or immune system. When a cold or flu hit it when our immune system is weakened, and our body can’t fight off the virus. Strengthening our immune system is critical. Enhanced immune system speeds our recovery but also for the future to protect us from those viruses taking over. We try to steer clear of medications or antibiotics unless necessary. With an autoimmune disorder, I already have a weekend immune system, so trying to strengthen it or heal in times of illness, naturally without synthetic drugs is a must for me.
Tips to Strengthen Immune System
- Eat a diet rich in antioxidants bright colored foods are high in nutrient richness.
- Fruits, Vegetables and an excellent source of protein, organic, grass fed.
- Get plenty of rest(never enough hours in the day for this one)
- Stay active-exercise, walking, keep body moving everyday. Do something.
- Drink lots of water, keeping hydrated body flushes out toxins and keeps our cells and body nourished.
- Limit processed food intake
- Just say no to GMO foods
- Limit or try going gluten free
- Limit Sugar- Sugar is a hidden ingredient in foods you wouldn’t expect.
- Vitamin D–Making sure to get enough Vit-d will help support the immune system and when sick increase your supplement dosage.
Top Natural Healing Remedies
- Black Elderberry a natural antiviral.–It can be found in a syrup form. The University of Maryland sites some benefits; treat wounds on the skin, respiratory illnesses such as cold and flu. Some evidence suggests that the elder flower and berries may help reduce swelling in mucous membranes, including the sinuses, and help relieve nasal congestion. Other research suggesting elderberry may have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-influenza, and anticancer properties. I take at the first sign of illness. Can be taken every day. Not recommended for children under 3. Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup,
- Essential Oils– Some of my favorites include: Melaleuca, Lemon, Lavender, Oregano, On Guard I like to defuse the On Guard during the day or while sleeping
- Detox bath– This feels so good when your body is aching, and you can’t sleep. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt Dr. Teal’s Salt,
to a warm bath along with a few drops of lavender oil, relax for 15-20 minutes. For children a cool lukewarm bath.
- Bone Broth-sipping on Bone Broth not only feels good going down but has many healing benefits.
- Warm steam–Boil a pot of water 2-3 cups add some essential oils rosemary or oregano, place a towel over your head allowing the steam to get down into your respiratory system. The steam helps loosen up the mucus and virus. 10-15 minutes
- Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle– I remembered this as a kid and hated the taste, but it works. Warm water with 1-2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Can be done several times in a day.
- Nette Pot or Saline rinse– I just can’t do the nettle pot my husband loves it, I do my alternative is the saline nasal rinse. Cleaning out all the bad bugs.
- Vitamin -C and Zinc– this can upset tummies but can be taken every 2 hours.
- Oregano Essential oil– diluted with carrier oil rub on feet, known for antiviral antibiotic.
- Ginger or Peppermint Essential Oil–Great use for nausea Can be added to water or diffuse.
- Reduce Fever–cool compress around the neck or forehead. Luke warm bath soak and peppermint.
- Ear Infections–3% hydrogen peroxide just a few drops in the ears at the first sign of infection.
- Raw Honey–Great for sore throats, coughs, or even seasonal allergies. Just a few spoonfuls are all you need. Make sure to get raw local honey. Loaded with excellent health benefits. Antifungal antibacterial.
I’m not a doctor, just a mom who is looking for the safest, healthiest way to raise my family. Let me know what’s in your medicine box.