Raw Milk Healthier True or False
Recently my mommies group went on an ecovisit tour of an organic farm, Organic Pastures. In a trailer filled with mostly 2-year-olds and moms, we made our way to the farm, moving in and out of the fields, viewing the cows, the dairy and where they produce the milk. The tour guide, Angie told us about the Farm and shared her personal story of how she came to try raw milk, became passionate about raw milk, its benefits for her families health and how she later came to work there.
What is raw milk? “Raw Milk comes from pastured-grazed cows, has amazing components that keep our bodies healthy and our immune system strong.” Quote from Organic Pastures. What does this mean?
Conventional Milk
Traditional or Conventional milk goes through a pasteurization process. It’s heated up at a high temperature, killing harmful bacteria. However, along with killing the harmful bacteria it kills or alters good and useful germs. The high temperatures destroy some of the good nutrition. Recent studies show that the sugar in milk called lactose turns into beta-lactose, which our body rapidly absorbs in the system creating a spike and then a feeling of hunger.
A1 Beta Casein
Conventional comes in two forms A1, the most common type; you will find in every grocery store is a mutated form of milk. A2 is the original form of the mutation. The difference is between A1 and A2 are, people who are lactose intolerant usually can drink A2 or raw milk. Milk is made up of 85% water, 15%sugar lactose protein, fat, minerals. The protein part is made up 80% casein and 20% whey. Whey does not curd as it acidifies. Casein is 30% of the milk protein. Another difference between the two is the beta-casein. A1 beta casein difference is an amino acid switch from proline to histidine cutting a digestive enzyme out of a 7 amino acid protein causing a separation. What that means is the new A1 beta casein is known as BCM-7. Some researchers state this is not naturally occurring in the human body. This opioid directly interacts with our body, digestion, and organs. There is a concern, and some say a link between diabetes, heart disease, autism, autoimmune, asthma. By overproducing enzymes and immune regulators. Some other issues more commonly are bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome. Having a dairy intolerance is not the same as lactose intolerance. Dairy intolerance, medically diagnosed is 5% of the population. Many of those who feel the symptoms from dairy would fall in the intolerant dairy group, not lactose intolerant.
A2 Beta Casein
A2 is the original form of milk dating back to the beginning of domestication. It is the purest form of milk that is pasteurized. All other mammals, including humans, produce A2. If you breastfeed your baby or were breastfeed you had A2 milk. They call this milk the powerhouse because it is milk in its original state with high nutrient values, over 300 mg of naturally occurring calcium. People with intolerances are able to drink A2 milk because the casein is different and easier to digest. Those that drink the A2 milk find it creamier and tastier than conventional A1 milk, without giving your blood sugar the immediate surge in sugar absoption which is a problem.
Raw Organic Milk
Cows that are used for raw milk are pasture raised and feed. They can graze as well as have access to specific amounts of hay alfalfa and minerals. Becuase cows graze on pasture the milk is more nutrient dense with a high level of vitamins, helping with cancer and heart protection. Raw milk is a living organism when left in its natural state has good bacteria. This bacteria “lactobacilli” is essential to stimulating your immune system, optimizing beneficial bacteria for proper gut health. Also, raw milk naturally contains enzymes aiding in digestion, calcium transport. Probiotic rich foods like raw milk not only help with gut bacteria but help against harmful bacteria. And can help with irritable bowel disease, yeast infections, colon cancer and skin conditions.
Studies are showing raw milk helps with allergies. The whey protein in raw milk stabilizing cells making asthma better and lower up to 50% less likely to develop asthma, allergies in children and adults. The living bacteria helps. Raw milk is higher in vitamins, minerals, and calcium. These increased levels help our skin, hair, gut, immune system.
Raw milk is higher in healthy fats, higher in omega-3’s, 55% higher levels of good fatty acids or conjugated linoleic acid.
There are some concerns with raw milk some would say, because milk is not pasteurized(killing all the bacteria) it leaves people more suitable to getting sick, especially the elderly, children and those with weakened immune systems. Raw milk does need to be produced responsibly under meticulous conditions. There are noted concerns as people who have become sick from raw, unpasteurized foods.
You are the deciding factor in your family if the benefits outweigh the risks.