Heart racing, lightheaded, dizzy, food cravings, tired or sick all the time? These are just a few of the effects stress has in our life and on our body.  Not all stress is bad.  Stress can help propel us, motivate us even strengthen our resolve.  Or sometimes provide adrenaline in situations like that are fearful or require us to move like if we are faced with a wild animal.  But too much stress or stress that continues can be harmful.  Harmful to our brain and our health.  What is stress? Stress is our response to pressures, life demands, or in some cases trauma or difficult experiences.  Stress surges our body with hormones assisting our body for a battle to help protect us or what they call fight or flight.  A surge of cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.  These hormones trigger the response in our body of some of the symptoms we discussed.   Managing stress is critical for our body, brain, and overall health.

Stress Our Health & 7 Ways to Manage it


One way to reduce stress and the physical symptoms are with regular exercise.  Find something you love and enjoy.  A walk, yoga, a bike ride.  It doesn’t need to be hours of difficult workout routines it’s more important to choose something you love and be consistent.



They say food is life! It has the power to heal!  Make sure to limit sugar and alcohol intake.  These may bring some joy and feel good feelings but it will only be temporary.  They both weaken your immune system.  You may even have sugar cravings.  However, it could be due to your body having difficulty regulating blood sugar levels.  Choose foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.  Chose fish, berries, leafy greens. Get enough protein and don’t sick meals. This helps regulate blood sugar.



Sleep or lack of sleep keeps your body in a state of anxiety or stress.  Sleep is when our body has the opportunity to rest and repair.  Getting adequate sleep while under stress might seem difficult.  It is hard to quiet your mind. Which leads me to number 4.



Learning to quiet your mind and rest plays a big role in stress reduction.  Start out with 10 mins sitting in a quiet place, close your eyes and think of something, someone or someplace that brings peace and joy.  Maybe a day at the beach, laying on the warm sand soaking in the sunshine. Breathe deeply and feel the rise and fall of your belly.  Relaxing your whole body.


Soak in Epsom Salt

Draw a warm bath add 2 cups Epsoak Epsom Salt  optionally add 1/2-1 cup baking soda.  Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Soak 20 minutes.



Journaling  Writing Notebook/Journal –a great way to release through writing what your stressors are.  It’s a way of venting and release.



Sharing and doing life with others building a life in a community with a community and not feeling alone changes our perspective.  It also allows others to share in our struggles and pressures. Talking with others provides help and freedom.  We aren’t meant to do life alone.

Live Well, Be Well


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