Sugar Good Or Bad?
In recent years low-fat diets took center stage. Nowadays we find sugar at the top of the list causing us to ask, is sugar good or bad?
With Cancer, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune and many another disease on the rise, researchers are finding direct evidence linking sugar to being a culprit. Some say “sugar is not only a drug but a poison.”
Where is Sugar found
Sugar can be found in many of our basic everyday foods. It’s hidden ingredients under different names. Some According to the US Dept of Health and Human Services show up as; anhydrous dextrose, crystal dextrose, malt syrup, liquid fructose, fruit juice concentrate and evaporated cane juice, just to name a few. As consumers, this is very confusing even for those of us making an effort to read labels and have little sugar intake. There also are no current requirements listing how much sugar is natural. Which means a product can be listed natural, but only 5% is natural. According to current research, Americans consume 150-170 pounds of sugar in one year. That equates to 30-35 – 5-pound bags. Or, based on these numbers broken down to 1/4-1/2 pound a day, 30-60 tsp in 24 hours. Shocking, right?
I know those numbers are difficult to wrap your brain around. But, sugar is hidden in many products we use daily.
- BBQ sauce
- Peanut butter, almond butter
- canned fruit
- salad dressings
- breads
- crackers
These are just some of our everyday foods.
Sugar as a drug/addiction
Do you feel like sugar calls your name or you get an impulse you just can’t seem to shake? New studies are showing certain foods trigger addictive behavior. Yes, I know this may sound far-fetched but with all the health concerns we currently have researchers have been looking for answers. The results show food has power over people. Just like a drug. Something changes in our brain chemistry. This Same activity(changes in the brain) occurs in people with addictions. Also, a correlation between increased weight/cravings and addiction is a hormone called leptin. This hormone sends a signal to our brain, it is full. People with addictions lose their sensitivity to this hormone. Changing brain chemistry, creating a vicious cycle. Some individuals who try to cut sugar out even go through withdrawal symptoms. Just like a heroin/cocaine addict. Sugar makes us feel good. And who doesn’t want more FEEL GOOD?
Sugars affects
There are two types of sugars, naturally occurring like an apple and added sugars, like cookies. Sugar has harmful effects on our body, and metabolism. Too much sugar is linked to inflammation and diseases, cancers, obesity, diabetes and heart conditions. The American heart association suggests woman have no more than six tsp a day and men no more than nine tsp. Sugar has no value nutritionally, other than taste. We know increased inflammation is at the center of most disease.
A study conducted by Robert Lustig MD of the USC pediatric dept. Tested children eight years to 18 years old. Taking sugar our for nine days. He found that fasting blood sugar dropped 53% along with the amount of sugar(insulin) their body produced. Their LDL and triglycerides levels also declined. And less fat was found in their liver. This is a staggering study.
Cancer research still has a long way to go. We don’t know all the ins and outs of what causes cancer, but, we do know is cancer feeds on sugar. A link showing tumors grow in the presence of sugar.
Also, excess sugar goes to your liver, is metabolized and if overload a build up which can increase cancer risk.
How to cut out sugar
- Read labels-be informed
- When you want something sweet, eat a piece of fruit or dried fruit.
- Eat more protein, protein is filling and will make you feel fuller longer and more satisfied.
- Veggies are filling
- Use raw sugar, stevia or maple syrup(not Aunt Jemima). The real forms of these sugar have natural vitamins, mineral, and antioxidants. Use occasionally.
References Sugar Is Definitely Toxic, a New Study Says